
Showing posts from July, 2020


Q1. What was the author's opinion about Mr. Gessler as a bootmaker? Ans. The author liked Mr. Gessler's boots as they were custom made and those boots fitted the customers perfectly. The leather was of the best quality and lasted long. Q2. Why did the author visit the shop so infrequently? Ans. The author visited the shop so infrequently as the boots made by the Gessler brothers lasted too long. Q3. What was the effect on Mr. Gessler of the author's remark about a certain pair of boots? Ans. Mr. Gessler found the remark quite unbelievable. He argued that the author might have got them wet. He told the author that he will either repair or adjust the money in his bills. Q4. What was Mr. Gessler's complaint against 'big firms'? Ans. Mr. Gessler complained that the big firms did not value the money of the customers. They captured the market through advertisements and not from the quality of their products. He was out of business due to these firms and tha


Q1. A camel can do without water for days together. What is the reason given in the text? Ans. The reason is that the camel sweats little. It can therefore, retain the water it drinks for a longer period of time. Q2. How do the smaller desert animals fulfill their need for water? Ans. The smaller animals spend the day in the underground burrows to escape the heat.  Some of them eat other animals and get the moisture contained in the meat. Others eat plants and get the water from plant juices. Q3. In a desert the temperature rises during the day and falls rapidly at night. Why? Ans. In humid climates, the air has moisture that protects the earth's surface from the heat of the sun. Since, the desert have no moisture cover, they heat up rapidly during the day and cool off rapidly during the night.


Q1. What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper? Ans. Ray was deaf and dumb, but a good judge of men. His old wise eyes told him that the new visitor was not a customer as there was no friendliness in his eyes. Q2. Why do you think he had come to the shop? Ans. The visitor had not come to the shop to buy any article but to rob Ray. Q3. How did Ray communicate with him? Ans. Ray was deaf and dumb, so he communicated with the visitor by writing on a notepad. Q4. What do you think the man said to his friend who waited at the door? Ans. He might have told his friend that its their lucky day as the shop owner whom they are planning to rob is deaf and dumb. Q5. Ray was not a pawnbroker. Why then did he lend money to people in exchange for their old watches and clocks? Ans. Ray was not a pawnbroker. He did not lend money for interest, but because he could not say 'no' to the needy people. Q6. "The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers.&qu


Q1. Why do you think the visitor Miss. Beam's school? Ans. The writer visited Miss Beam's school as he had a great deal about the school and he wanted to personally see it. Q2. What was the game that every child in the school had to play? Ans. The game that every child in the school had to play was that each term every child had one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one dumb day and one injured day. This was done to make the children appreciate and understand misfortune. Q3. "Each term every child has one blind day......" Complete the line. Which day was the hardest? Why was it the hardest? Ans.  * PLEASE COMPLETE THE LINE* The dumb day is hardest. This is because one cannot bandage the child's mouth, so they had to exercise their will power to remain silent. But according to the bandaged girl the most frightening is being blind. As she worried often of getting hurt. Q4. What was the purpose of these special days? Ans. The purpose of these special


Q1. Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa fish? Ans. Once it was the season for hilsa fish everyone around was talking only about the fish. This made the king very angry and he didnt want anyone to talk about the hilsa-fish. Q2. What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever? Ans. The king asked Gopal to buy a huge hilsa-fish from the market and should make sure that nobody talks about the fish on his way towards the palace. Q3. What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy the hilsa-fish? Ans. Gopal half shaved his face, smeared ash on his body and wore rags before he went out to buy the hilsa-fish. Q4. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he had bought the fish? Ans. Gopal started singing loudly and dancing in front of the palace. The king heard the noise and asked the guard to allow the strange man to be brought inside. Q5. Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about the hilsa-fish which Gopal had b


Q1. Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream? Ans. Taro ran in the direction of the stream as he was extremely thirsty. Q2. How did Taro's father show his happiness after drinking sake? Ans. Sake gave warmth and energy to the old man. He stopped shivering and showed his happiness by dancing. Q3. Why did the waterfall give Taro sake and others water? Ans. Taro was a very kind, caring and thoughtful son. The stream blessed his goodness by giving him sake instead of water. Other people were greedy so they got only plain water. Q4. Why did the villagers want to drown Taro? Ans. The villagers went to the waterfall to sake just like Taro. However, they got only plain water. They thought that Taro had tricked them. So they wanted to drown Taro to punish him. Q5. Why did the Emperor reward Taro? Ans. The Emperor of Japan rewarded Taro for being good and kind towards his old parents. This was Emperor's way to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents.


Q1. Who visited the shepherd one day and why? Ans. The king of Iran had heard of the Shepherd's wisdom and visited him. He dressed up like a shepherd and rode a mule. Q2. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd? Ans. The shepherd because of his wisdom was appointed the governor of a small district. He was loved and honoured by the people. As his fame spread far and wide, the other governors became jealous of him. Q3. Why was the new governor called to the palace? Ans. The jealous governors poisoned the king's ears against the shepherd. They told the king that the new governor was dishonest and that he always carried an iron chest which contained his ill gotten treasure. This made the king summon the governor to the palace. Q4. Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel's back? Ans. The jealous governors were delighted to see the iron chest because if their report turned out to be true then they were sure that he could be caught


Q1. Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house? Ans. The farmer brought the baby mongoose as a companion to his small son. Q2. Why didn't the farmer's wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose? Ans. The farmer's wife did not trust the animal even though it was being brought up like a pet. Due to which she did not want to leave her son alone with the mongoose. Q3. What was the farmer's comment on his wife's fears? Ans. The farmer knew the reasons for his wife's fears, therefore, he tried to remove her fear by telling that the mongoose was a friendly animal, as sweet and gentle as their baby. Q4. Why did the farmer's wife strike the mongoose with her basket? Ans. When the farmer's wife returned from the market, she noticed that there was blood on its face and paws. She felt that her fears have come true and in her anger she hit the mongoose with the heavy basket she was carrying. Q5. Did she repent her hasty action? How