1.Velu stood on the platform but he felt "as if he was still on a moving train." Why?
Ans. Velu had run away from his home. He had travelled for two days in a train without any food. Due to his tiredness and his state of mind, his feet was unsteady and due to this he felt as if he was still on a moving train.

2. What made his miserable?
Ans. He had run away from. He was alone, tired and hungry and therefore, was feeling miserable.

3. i) Velu travelled without a ticket. Why?
    ii) How did he escape the ticket collector's attention?
Ans. Velu travelled without a ticket as he did not have the money to buy one. He escaped the ticket collector's attention as he did not come to the unreserved compartment in which Velu was travelling.

4. Why had Velu ran away from home?
Ans. Velu had run away from his home because his father used to beat him everyday after drinking and snatched away all the money from him and his sister.

5. Why did he decide to follow the strange girl?
Ans. Velu decided to follow the strange girl as he scared, alone and hungry and she had promised to find food for him.

6. Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know?
Ans. Velu could not read the sign boards in English, however, he could read Tamil as he was able to read Central Jail written in Tamil and also the sign on the marriage hall.

7. " If you are not careful, you will soon be counting bars there," the girl said.
  i) What is she referring to?
  ii) What does she mean when she says :If you are not careful."?
Ans. She is referring to the Central Jail. She explains to Velu that doing wrong was not just the criteria for ending up in Jail. He should make sure that he doesnt get caught by the police.

8. i) Where did the girl lead Velu to?
    ii) What did they eat?
Ans. The girl led Velu to a marriage hall. They got some leftover food from the garbage bin behind the hall.

9. What work did she do?
Ans. Ragpicking

10. i) What materials are the strange huts made of?
      ii) Why does Velu find them strange?
Ans. The strange huts were made of tin sheets, bricks, wood and plastic. Velu finds them strange as in his own village the huts were made of mud and palm leaves.

11. What sort of things did Jaya and children like her collect and what did they do with those things?
Ans. Jaya and children like her collected paper, plastic, glass etc. They sold these articles to junk dealer Jam Bazar Jagu.

12. Is Velu happy or unhappy to find work? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans. Velu is not at all happy to do ragpicking as he had never done such dirty job in his village. However, he decides that he would do the menial job until he finds a better job for his survival.

13. Is Velu a smart boy? Which instances in the text that he is or isn't?
Ans. Velu is not a smart boy as he runs away from home to escape his father's beating. He lands up in a big city without any prior plan on how he would survive. Eventhough he dislikes ragpicking, he accepts to do the work as he feels that he is not fit enough to do anyother job.

14. Do you think Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humour? Find instances of her courage, kind nature and humour in the text.
Ans. Yes, Jaya is a brave and sensitive girl. She takes pity on Velu and finds food for him. She earns her livelihood by collecting discarded material and selling it at the junk shop. She calls Velu ' Big hero' and also says 'You have been following me without knowing my name.' etc. These sentences suggests that inspite of the adversities, she is able to maintain a great sense of humour.

15. What one throws away as waste may be valuable for others? Do you find this sentence meaningful in the context of this story? How?
Ans. Yes, the story is about the ragpicking children of the city. They collect the discarded materials and sell it at junk shop to earn for their living. They also eat leftover from garbage bin for survival.


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