Reported Speech is used to report or convey statements made by someone else in the past, without using their exact words.


1. Add a Reporting Verb Clause

Naisha said, "I love chocolate."

Naisha said that she loved chocolate.

Naisha said - Reporting Speech (like a journalist reporting something)

that - conjuction

said - reporting verb clause

she loved chocolate - reported speech

Difference between SAY vs TELL - 4 RULES

#1 'Say'/said is used when you not want to specify who the message was being conveyed to

#2 'Say'/said general information/facts or universal/ opinion without a specific address

e.g., Amiara said, "It is lovely day."

Amaira said that it was a lovely day.

#3 'Tell'/told is a transitive verb so we need an object to receive it.

#4 Tell/told is used to give instructions, command or request

She said to Ravi, "I want to go for a movie tonight."

She told Ravi that she wanted to go for a movie that night.

2. Change the PRONOUN

Teacher said, "You should study for the test."

Teacher said that we should study for the test.

#1 1st person - I/We/me - may change to 3rd person - he/she/they/her/him

She said, "I am tired."

She said that she was tired.

#2 2nd person pronoun - You - changes to 3rd person - he/she/they

Alia said, "You are invited for the party."

Alia said that she was invited for the party.

#3 The 3rd person pronoun - he/she/they - usually remain the same

She said, "He is tall."

She said that he is tall.


    -     He/She

We    -    They

me    -    Him/her/their

you    -    he/she/they

he/she/they    -    he/she/they

3. Change Time and Place words

- especially if time has passed since the words were spoken or the place has changed

e.g., Riya said, "Priya is coming to my house tonight."

Riya said that Priya was coming to her house that night.


today    -    that day

now    -    that moment/that time/at the moment

tonight    -    that night

ago        -    before

last week/month/year    -    the week before/the month before/the year before

next year        -     the following year

tomorrow        -    the following day/the next day

here                -    there

this                -    that

these                -    those

4. Back shifting of Tenses

 Si    Simple Present                                                Simple Past

         She said, "I want a holiday."                           She said that she wanted a holiday.

b)      Present Continuous                                          Past Continuous

       Riya said, "Priya is annoying me."                   Riya said that Priya was annoying her.

c)      Present Perfect                                                 Past Perfect

       Ritu said, "I have eaten too much."                Ritu said that she had eaten too much.

d)      Present Perfect Continuous                              Past Perfect Continuous

       Ritik said, "The class has been interesting."    Ritik said that the class had been interesting.

e)      Simple Past                                                      Past Perfect

        She said, "I saw her arrive."                            She said that she had seen her arrive.

f)       Past Continuous                                               Past Perfect Continuous

        He said, "The team were playing well."        He said that the team had been playing well.

g)      Past Perfect                                                      Past Perfect

        He said, "We had arrived before Sam."        He said that they had arrived before Sam.

h)      Past Perfect Continuous                                   Past Perfect Continuous

       He said, "We had already been talking about."    He said that they had already been talking about it.

       Simple Future/Future Continuous/Future Perfect/Future Perfect Continuous  - would/should

                                                                                                                        was/were going to

       #5 Change the Modals and Auxiliary Verbs

          Can - Could

          She said, "I can swim across the river."  -   She said that she could swim across the river.

          Will - Would

          Shall - should

          May (possibility) - might

          Ravi said, "We may arrive late."   - Ravi said that they might arrive late.

m       may (permission) - could

           "May I borrow your pen."    - She asked if she could borrow my pen.

          must (obligation)    - had to

          "I must finish the report by tomorrow."   - He said that he had to finish the report by the following                                                                               day.   

          Must (speculation)   - must

          "She must be tired."   - Riya said that she must be tired.

           should - should

            could - could

            am/is    - was

            are        - were

            do/does    - did

            has/have    - had


            1. Do not shift tenses if information is on going or a universal truth

            2. If the situation changed or has finished - you have to go to the past tense.

            3. If what was said is no longer true - then we go to past


           When Reporting Questions the word order changes to a statement because it is not a question anymore when it being reported.

            Ravi asked, "Do you have plans for the weekend?"  - close ended questions (Answer to this will be either yes or no)

        Ravi enquired whether we had any plans for the weekend

        To report CLOSE ENDED QUESTIONS we use conjunctions like IF or WHETHER

        Ravi asked, "What are your plans for the weekend?" (Questions with WH word - where, what, when, how, who) 

R    Ravi inquired what my plans were for the weekend.

        To report an OPEN ENDED QUESTION, the reporting verb asked/inquired is followed by WH conjunction


       "Stop talking."

        He ordered them to stop talking. (can use reporting verbs like told/ordered/instructed)

        "Do not forget to call me."

        He reminded her not to forget to call her.


        "You should study hard and crack the exam."

        She advised me to study hard and crack the exam.

        advised/recommended/explained + indirect object+ the main verb (infinitive form)

        "Add the ingredients and stir well."

        He instructed them to add the ingredients and stir well.

        asked/offered/promised/advised/suggested + the indirect object + reporting clause

        "I'll help you with your assignment."

        Ravi offered to help me with my assignment.

        "I promise, I'll be there on time."

        Ravi promised that would be there on time.


T         These sentences express - Grief, sorrow, happiness, applause etc (The injection once removed the sentence becomes an assertive sentence)        

          "What a beautiful sunset!"

        She exclaimed how beautiful the sunset is.

        "I can't believe it!"

        He exclaimed that he couldn't believe it.









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