Q1. What were the three questions?
Ans. The three questions were: What is the right time to begin something? Which people should he listen to?What is the most important thing for him to do?

Q2. Why did the king want answer to the three questions?
Ans. The king wanted the answer to the three questions because he felt that if he knew the answer to these three things he would never fail.

Q3. What was the answer to the first question?
Ans. In reply to the first question some said that the king must prepare a timetable and follow it strictly. However, some felt that it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something and therefore, the king should keenly observe what was going around. Some felt that he needed a council of wise men who would advice him to act at the proper time but some others felt that unforeseen urgent matters can be dealt only with the help of magicians.

Q4. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians?
Ans. Some people felt that in order to decide the right time for doing something, it was necessary to look into the future and only magicians could do that. Therefore, the king was advised to go to the magicians.

Q5. What was the answer to the second question?
Ans. In the answer to the second question, some said the people most necessary to the king were his councilors, other said priests, a few said doctors and yet others said his soldiers.

Q6. What was the answer to the third question?
Ans. In the answer to the third question, some said science, others chose fighting and yet others religious worship.

Q7. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?
Ans. As the answers to his questions were so different the king was not satisfied, therefore, did not give any reward to the wise men.

Q8. How did the king help the hermit?
Ans. The hermit was digging the ground when the king reached his hut. As he looked tried, the king offered to dig for him.

Q9. Why did the king go to the hermit?
Ans. The king was not satisfied with the different answers given by the wise men, therefore, he decided to seek the advice of a certain hermit, who was widely known for his wisdom.

Q10. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?
Ans. The man had a large wound on his stomach. The king washed and covered the wound with this handkerchief. Since the blood did not stop flowing, he re-dressed the wound till it stopped bleeding. When the man felt better, the king gave him fresh water to drink and with the help of the hermit carried the wounded man into the hut. This is how they helped the wounded man.

Q11. Why did the King sleep soundly?
Ans. The king slept soundly as he was tried from his walk and the work that he had done.

Q12. Who was the bearded man?
Ans. The bearded man was an enemy of the King. The King had put the man’s brother to death and had seized his property.

Q.13. What did the bearded man say to the King?
Ans. He told the king that he had sworn to take revenge and had followed the King with an intention to kill him on his return journey.

Q14. How was the bearded man injured?
Ans. The bearded man came out of his hiding place as the king did not return. He came upon the king’s bodyguard, who recognised him and wounded him.

Q15. The King forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?
Ans. The King forgave the bearded man. He showed his forgiveness by telling that he would send his servants and his own doctor to look after him and also promised to return his property.

Q16. What were the three answers given by the hermit? Write each answer separately.  Which answer do like the most and why?
Ans. In the answer to the first question, the hermit said that there is only one time that is important and that is ‘now’ as it is the only time when a person has the power to act.

For the second question, the hermit said that the most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment. This is because no one knows what will happen in the future and whether we will meet anyone else.

The hermit’s response to the third question was that the most important business was to do good to that person, because we were sent into this world for that purpose alone.

All the answers are mutually connected, therefore, we cannot say that one answer is better than the other.


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