
Showing posts from April, 2020


1. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music? Ans. Evelyn was seventeen years old when she went to the Royal Academy of Music. 2. When was her deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed? Ans. Evelyn's loss of hearing was gradual. Her deafness was first noticed at the age of eight when she was waiting for her piano class and her mother called her name. Evelyn did not respond and then her mother realised that she did not hear anything. For quite a while Evelyn managed to hide her problem from her friends and teachers. Her marks started deteriorating and her headmistress urged her parents to consult a specialist. Then it was found that her hearing was severely impaired due to gradual nerve damage. 3. Who helped her to continue with music? What did he do and say? Ans. While most of her teachers discouraged her from pursuing music, yet percussionist Ron Forbes' noticed that Evelyn had potential and helped her to continue music. He began by tuning two


1. How did the two baby birds get separated? Ans. The two baby birds lived on a tree with their mother bird. One day a big storm came and broke their nest. The mother bird was killed and the two baby birds were blown away by the wind to the other side of the forest at a distance from each other. Thus, they got separated. 2. Where did each of them find a home? Ans. One of the bird landed near a cave where a gang of robbers lived and the other landed outside a rishi's ashram. 3. What did the first bird say to the stranger? Ans. The first bird saw the stranger i.e., the king and called out for the robbers to come and rob him off his jewels and to take his horse. 4. What did the second bird say to him? Ans. The second bird welcomed the king to the ashram. He requested the stranger to drink some water kept inside the hut and to take rest till the rishi returned back. 5. How did rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved? Ans. When the king told the rishi a


1. What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard? Ans. Meena shares with Mridu that they had found a kitten and that they had kept it hidden in the backyard. 2. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten? Ans. Ravi brings the milk from the kitchen saying that he was feeling hungry. However, he has to drink most of it so that he can prove to his grandmother that he was indeed hungry. Then he empties the remaining milk into a coconut shell for the kitten. 3. Who does he say the kitten's ancestors are? Do you believe him? Ans. Ravi said that the kitten's ancestors were the lions of the Pallava Kings, the Mahabalipuram Rishi-cat, emblem of the Pallava dynasty. 4. What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran? Ans. It was the screeching sound coming out of Lalli's violin that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran. 5. Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni's house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. No, the beggar

CLASS VI Chapter 2 How Did the Dog Found Himself a New Master

1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master? Ans. The dog was sick and tired of wandering about by himself looking for food and being frightened of those who were stronger than him due to which he felt the need for a master. 2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master? Ans. The dog choose the big, strong and fierce wolf as his master. When they were walking along, the wolf lifted his nose, sniffed and darted quickly off the path and hid himself behind the bushes. The dog realised that the wolf was afraid of the bear. So the dog left the wolf and went to the bear and asked it to become his master as it was stronger than the wolf. 3. Who did he choose next? Ans. The dog choose the bear as his next master. 4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time? Ans. The dog served the Lion for a long time as it was a good life and there was nothing to complain about. There was nobody stronger than the lion in the forest and no one dared to hurt the dog. 5.


1. In what ways is an ant's life peaceful? Ans. Each does its share of work intelligently and bravely, and never fights with other members of the group, therefore, an ant's life is very peaceful. 2. How long does it take for a grub to become a complete ant?  Ans. Eggs hatch and grubs come out. In two or three weeks grubs become cocoons and after three more weeks, perfect ants appears from the cocoons. 3. Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about? Ans. The worker ants carry the grubs about for airing, exercise and sunshine. 4. What jobs are new ants trained for? Ans. The new ants are trained as workers, soldiers, builders, cleaners etc. 5. Name some other creatures that live in anthills? Ans. Some other creatures that live in anthills are beetles, lesser breeds of ants and the greenfly. 6. Mention three things we can learn from the 'tiny teacher'. Give reasons for choosing these items. Ans. Some of things that we can learn from the '


1. How does the squirrel's tail looks like? Ans. The squirrel's tail looks like a question mark. 2. Why do you think it looks like "a question mark"? Ans. The tail of the squirrel looked like a question mark as it was curled at its tip and it had an appearance of a question mark. 3. Do we usually say that an animal 'wears' a tail? What do we say? Ans We usually do not say that an animal 'wears' a tail. As tail is a part of the body of an animal, we say that an animal has a tail. While for human beings we do use that he wears a coat. Wearing something is related to an external additional characteristics. 4. How does a squirrel sit? Ans. The squirrel sat straight. 5. How does the squirrel behave? Ans. The squirrel liked to tease and play. 6. Who is teasing whom? How? Ans. The squirrel teases the author and the other children. When they ran around the tree, the squirrel runs the other way.


Q1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? Ans. Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll.  In reality it was a man of the tiniest size. Q2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? Ans. The little man was scared that Patrick would give him back to the cat so out of fear he granted a wish. Q3. What was Patrick’s wish? Ans. Patrick’s wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the semester i.e., for the next 35 days. Q4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? Ans. To complete Patrick’s homework the little man needed help in English, Maths and History. Q5. How did Patrick help him? Ans. Patrick helped the little man by reading and pronouncing words, telling tables, helping with sums and providing books. Q6 Who do you think did Patrick’s homework- the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons who was telling himself what to answer. Ans. It was Patr


Q1. What were the three questions? Ans. The three questions were: What is the right time to begin something? Which people should he listen to?What is the most important thing for him to do? Q2. Why did the king want answer to the three questions? Ans. The king wanted the answer to the three questions because he felt that if he knew the answer to these three things he would never fail. Q3. What was the answer to the first question? Ans. In reply to the first question some said that the king must prepare a timetable and follow it strictly. However, some felt that it was impossible to decide in advance the right time for doing something and therefore, the king should keenly observe what was going around. Some felt that he needed a council of wise men who would advice him to act at the proper time but some others felt that unforeseen urgent matters can be dealt only with the help of magicians. Q4. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians? Ans. Some people felt


1. What was the book that Tommy found was about? Ans. The book that Tommy found was about a School. 2. Why did Margie’s Mother send for the County Inspector? Ans. Margie’s mechanical teacher was giving test after test in Geography and she was not doing well in those tests. Due to this reason Margie’s mother got worried and sent for the County Inspector. 3. What was wrong with the geography sector of Margie’s mechanical teacher? Ans. The County Inspector found that the Geography sector was too quick and due to this reason was giving tests after tests which were way above for an average ten year old. So he fine tuned the mechanical teacher and made it a little slower in accordance to Margie’s age. 4. What did Margie write in her diary? Ans. Margie wrote in her diary dated 17 th  May 2157 that Tommy found a real book. She felt strange about it as in her time real books didn’t exist. 5. Why does Margie say, “How could a Man be a teacher”? Ans. Margie said this a


Q1. What did the author find in the junk shop? Ans. The author found an old 19 th  century roll top desk in a junk shop. It was made of oak and was in very bad condition. The roll top desk was broken at several places, one leg was clumsily mended and there was a scorch mark on one side. Q2. What did he find in a secret drawer? Who do you think had put it there? Ans. In a secret drawer of roll top desk, the author found a small tin box. There was a piece of lined note paper sellotape to its top.    It contained Jim’s last letter, received    on January 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes” written on it. Q3. Who had written the letter, to whom and when? Ans. The letter was written by Jim Macpherson, who had gone to fight in the First World War engaged in war with the Germans. Jim had written the letter to his wife Mrs. Connie Macpherson on 26 th  December 1914. Q4. Why was the letter written – what was wonderful thing that had happened? Ans. Jim wrote