

 2. What did the grandfather take from the attic? Ans. Grandfather brought an invisible chair from the attic. 3. Will Mario face any challenges? Ans. Yes, Mario will face the challenge of sitting on an invisible chair. 4. Will Mario be able to use the magic? Ans. In the story, the grandfather tells Mario that if he manages to sit on the invisible chair, then the magic will work and allow him to tell who his real friends are. So, if he can sit on it, he will be able to use the magic. Let us think and reflect. Page no. 64 1 a) i. The chair is special and invisible. ii. Why was it tricky to sit on the chair? Ans. It was tricky to sit on the chair because it was invisible. iii. Why does Mario's grandfather call the chair 'special'? Ans. Mario's grandfather calls the chair 'special' because it has the magical ability to reveal who Mario's real friends are when he successfully sits on it. b) i. Mario says there is a technical problem because the chair is invisible


 1.  Give one reason why the writer refers to the post office as “One of the most uninteresting buildings in the world.” Ans.  The same tedious task of gathering letters, locating addresses, and delivering them is carried out by all staff, including the postmaster and postmen. People get bored after a while because there is nothing new to discover or learn, making the post office one of the least interesting buildings in the entire world. 2. “Ali displays qualities of love and patience”. Give evidence from the story to support the statement. Ans.  Without a doubt, Ali exemplifies traits like love and patience. The story’s title tells volumes about the author’s unending love for his daughter Miriam and the extreme patience he displays in pursuing her letter. He arrives at the post office as the day breaks, sits on a bench in the corner, and waits for hours for the postmaster to call his name so he can pick up his daughter’s letter. He has never experienced the fateful day when he receiv


  a) Why does Jeanne want to buy a villa? Ans.  Jeanne wants to buy a villa for her parents to live in. b) Why is Gaston not interested in buying the villa in the beginning? Ans.  Gaston is not interested in buying the villa because he does not want to invest money for his wife’s parents. c) Mrs. Al Smith makes many statements about the French. Pick out any two and explain them. Ans.  Two statements which Mrs. Al Smith makes are: 1. "Fr enchmen usually have to consult about ten people before they get a move on.” This statement means that the French ask and discuss the matter with many people before taking a decision. 2. "Fr ench people have a cute way of doing business!”. This means that the French have different rules for business than Americans. d) Juliette says “………………. now I have only one thought that is to get the wretched place off my hands. I would sacrifice it at any price”, Does she stick to her words? Why / Why not? Ans.  Juliette does not stick to her words. She qu


 Question: 1 - How did the ancient mariner stop the wedding guest?  Answer: The ancient mariner used his gleaming eyes to stop the wedding guest. Question: 2 - Was the wedding guest happy to be stopped? Give reasons for your answer. Answer: The wedding guest does not seem to be happy at being stopped. He is a young person who has come to attend the wedding ceremony and would be least interested in an old tale by an old man. Question: 3 - Describe the ancient mariner. Answer: The Ancient Mariner is an old man. He is quite thin and frail. He long grey beard and there is a glitter in his eyes. Question: 4 - How does the mariner describe the movement of the ship as it sails away from the land? Answer: The mariner describes the movement of the ship as it sails away from the land; in following words. This ship is going farther and farther on the horizon. First of all, the ship appears to be going below the kirk, then below the hill. Finally the ship is so far that it appears to be even below


 Answer the following questions briefly. 1. How does Mrs. Slater plan to outshine the Jordans? What does it reveal about her character? Answer: Mrs. Slater was not very happy with the mourning dresses that she and her family were wearing. In fact, she had ordered new dresses for everybody. However, she thought that her sister wouldn't have thought of mourning dresses and so she would outshine them there. Mrs. Slater was a very superficial person. She was not concerned about the death in her family but was more bothered about her appearance and how to be better than her sister. 2. Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the bureau from grandfather’s room before the arrival of the Jordans? How does Henry react to the suggestion? Answer: Mrs. Slater always liked grandfather’s bureau. After his death, she decided to shift it to sitting room before her sister arrived so she can claim it. Henry was shocked at the suggestion because he felt that the sisters should cordially divide grandfathe


Reported Speech is used to report or convey statements made by someone else in the past, without using their exact words. FIVE RULES FOR CHANGING DIRECT TO REPORTED SPEECH 1. Add a Reporting Verb Clause Naisha said, "I love chocolate." Naisha said that she loved chocolate. Naisha said - Reporting Speech (like a journalist reporting something) that - conjuction said - reporting verb clause she loved chocolate - reported speech Difference between SAY vs TELL - 4 RULES #1 'Say'/said is used when you not want to specify who the message was being conveyed to #2 'Say'/said general information/facts or universal/ opinion without a specific address e.g., Amiara said, "It is lovely day." Amaira said that it was a lovely day. #3 'Tell'/told is a transitive verb so we need an object to receive it. #4 Tell/told is used to give instructions, command or request She said to Ravi, "I want to go for a movie tonight." She told Ravi that she wanted t