
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Q1. What made Swapna sell the cotton to the trader instead of selling at the Kurnool cotton market?  Ans. Swapna had borrowed ₹ 2500 at high interest from the local trader. The amount was borrowed in order to buy seeds, fertilisers and pesticides for cultivation. The other condition which Swapna had to agree to was that she would sell all her cotton to him instead.  Q2. Describe the conditions of employment as well as the wages of workers in the garment exporting factory. Do you think the workers get a fair deal?  Ans.The conditions of employment in the garment exporting factory are as follows:  I. Workers are employed on a temporary basis means they can be dismissed as soon as the work is done or whenever the employer has no need of them.  II. They are under pressure to produce quality products in a limited time-frame  III. They are forced to work for long hours under extreme conditions No, the workers don’t get a fair deal as they are paid very less for the work they do, in addition