
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Q1. What do you understand by the word ‘government’? List 5 ways in which you think Government affects your daily life.  Ans. a) The decision on where to build roads and other infrastructure.  b) The decision on various social welfare programmes  c) The decision on important goods and commodities like petrol, onion  d) Protect the boundaries and maintain friendly relations with other countries  e) Ensuring that there are good health facilities.  Q2. Why do you think the Government needs to make rules for everyone in the form of laws?  Ans. Some rules have to be made that apply to everyone. For example, there is a need to control resources and protect the territory of a country, so people can feel secure. Governments do this on behalf of their people by exercising leadership, taking decisions and implementing these among all the people living in their territory.  Q3. Name two essential features of a democratic Government.  Ans. a) Government is answerable to the people.  b) People ele


 What is an Article?  Article is a word that combines with noun and defines whether a noun in any sentence or phrase is specific or general.  Example: After the long tiring day, the cup of tea refreshed mind and body. In this sentence, the use of article ‘the’ specifies the one day that was tiring and that one specific cup of tea refreshed body and mind.  What are the Types of Articles in English Grammar?  There are two types of articles in english, Definite article (The) and Indefinite article (A, An).  Definite Article  examples: 1. He threw the ball in the well.  2. I saw the thieves stealing jewels  3. Where are the notes I shared with you yesterday?  Indefinite Article Example:  1. She wore a pretty pink dress  2. I saw tigers in a zoo.  3. He is not good as an actor  4. An apple a day builds immunity.  Rules For Articles With Examples   The rules for articles given below are divided based on the types of articles. Article Rules for definite article ‘The’  1. The very basic rule o


Q1. Who is the speaker in the poem?  Ans. The speaker of the poem is the poet.  Q2. Is she/he afraid or curious, or both?  Ans. He is both, afraid as well as curious. He is curious to enter the shed and at the same time he feels that someone is staring at him.  Q3. What is she/he planning to do soon? Ans. He is planning to open the door and enter the shed some day soon. Q4. “But not just yet...” suggests doubt, fear, hesitation, laziness or something else. Choose the word which seems right to you. Tell others why you chose it.  Ans. I think “But not just yet…” suggests hesitation. It shows that the speaker wants to take some more time to be sure of his thoughts about the shed. He currently fears that someone stares at him and at the same time also thinks that his brother saying that there’s a ‘ghost’ is just a lie. So, he is hesitating to take any further step for now. *For the last question you can use your own imagination and write the answer. Q5. Is there a room in your house or a h


Q1. Read these lines from the poem:  (i) One thing led to another  (ii) The start of it was slight  (iii) The end of it was strong  (iv) The afternoon turned black  (v) Thumped me on the back Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.  Ans. (i) During the argument, one thing led to another.  (ii) The start and cause of the quarrel was petty and small.  (iii) The quarrel ended on a sour note which had a long lasting effect.  (iv) The quarrel spoiled the mood of the quarrelling persons and the afternoon became intolerably sad.  (v) Patted on the back in an amiable manner. Q2. Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your brother, sister or friend. How did it start? What did you quarrel about? How did it end?  Ans. Sohan is my best friend at school. I invited him to my birthday party, but he did not turn up for my birthday celebrations. Suddenly he started behaving awkwardly and our relationship turned bitter. Next day, at school we had an argument about the incident. We bot