
Showing posts from July, 2021


Q1. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house. Ans. The 5 different negative effects are mentioned below  a. They don’t receive proper love and care from the family.  b. They discontinue their education hence their dreams and goals are unfulfilled  c. They don’t get adequate diet  d. They are asked to do all household works Q2. What does the constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?  Ans. Our constitution says  a. Everyone has equal rights and opportunities  b. All are equal to compete for Government jobs  c. People can choose any kind of work they wish to do  d. Untouchability is a crime and is legally abolished.


 CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE POEM The poem is about a boy who had lost his ball for the first time. Losing is an integral part of life and we all experience it at various stages of our lives. Sometimes it's losing something precious and cherished, sometimes it might be about losing a loved one, who is very close to your heart. The amount of grief is exponential at losing anything or anyone we love. As we grow old and mature, we develop this wisdom to deal with losses . The poet is here trying to express that when a kid loses something even as small and worthless as the ball he is learning some life changing things - an attitude to handle grief, an understanding that there would be greater loses in life and that there would be people who would deliberately hurt you for either their pleasure or for benefit. He also understands that nobody would be there to console him for his grief and will not help replace the lose. He has to manage his own and stand up again to face the world. He has