
Showing posts from April, 2021


Q 1. What is the true shape of the earth?  Ans. The earth is not a perfect sphere. It is slightly flattened at the North and the South Poles and bulges in the middle.  Q 2. What is a globe?  Ans. Globe is a miniature form of the Earth. Q 3. What is the latitudinal value of the Tropic of Cancer?  Ans.  The latitudinal value of the Tropic of Cancer is 23½° N. Q 4. What are the three heat zones of the Earth?  Ans. The three heat zones of the Earth are: 1. Torrid Zone 2. Temperate Zone 3. Frigid Zone Q 5. What are parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude?  Ans. All parallel circles from the equator up to the poles are called parallels of latitudes. The lines of reference running from the North Pole to the South Pole are called meridians of longitude.  Q 6. Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of heat? Ans. The torrid zone receives the maximum amount of heat, because it is present between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The sun is exactly over the head o


KEYWORDS 1. Lithospheric plates - The  lithosphere is broken into a number of plates known as the lithoshepric plates. 2. Volcano - A volcano is a vent (opening) in the earth's crust through which molten material erupts suddenly. 3. Earthquake - When the lithospheric plates move, the surface of the earth vibrates. The vibrations can travel all around the earth. These vibrations are called earthquakes. 4. Focus - The place in the crust where the movement starts is called the focus. It is also called Hypocentre. 5. Epicentre - The place on the surface above the focus is called the epicentre. Vibrations of the earthquake travel outwards from the epicentre as waves. 6. Seismograph - An earthquake is measured with a machine called a seismograph. 7. Richter scale - The magnitude of the earthquake is measured on the Richter scale. 8. Weathering - is the breaking up of the rocks on the earth's surface. 9. Erosion - is the wearing away of the landscape by different agents like water, wi


 Q 1. Who were the parties involved in the “tripartite struggle”?  Ans. Three parties were involved in the “tripartite struggle” and fought for control over Kannauj. These three parties were the Gurjara-Pratihara, Rashtrakuta and Pala dynasties.  Q 2. What were the qualifications necessary to become a member of a committee of the sabha in the Chola empire?  Ans. The following qualifications were necessary for becoming a member of the sabha in the Chola empire : a. To become members of the sabha one should be the owner of the land from which land revenue is collected and should have their own home. b. One should be aged between 35 years to 70 years of age and should have knowledge of the Vedas. c. One should be honest and well-versed in administrative matters. d. If anyone has been a member of any committee in the last three years, he cannot become a member of another committee. e. Anyone who has not submitted his accounts or of his relatives, cannot contest the elections.  Q 3. What we


 Q 1.What are the three layers of the earth?  Ans. the three layers of earth are : 1. Crust 2. Mantle 3. Core  Q 2. What is a rock?  Ans. Any natural mass of mineral matter that makes up the earth’s crust is called a rock. The earth’s crust is made up of various types of rocks of different texture, size and colour.  Q 3. Name three types of rocks.  Ans. the three types of rocks are: 1. Igneous Rocks 2. Sedimentary Rocks 3. Metamorphic Rocks  Q 4. How are extrusive and intrusive rocks formed?  Ans. When the molten lava coming out of volcanoes comes on the earth’s surface and cools down rapidly to become a solid piece of rock, extrusive rocks are formed. For example - basalt. When the molten lava solidifies deep inside the earth’s crust, the rocks so formed are called intrusive rocks. For example - granite.  Q 5. What do you mean by a rock cycle?  Ans. The process of transformation of rocks from one type to another, due to change in certain conditions in a cyclic manner is called a rock


 Q 1. Where did the ceremonies take place? Can you name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstone?  Ans. The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria, which were attended by dignitaries and world leaders of several nations. In India, the Rashtrapati Bhavan and Red Fort are two public buildings that are made of red sandstone.  Q 2. Can you say how 10 May is an ‘autumn day’ in South Africa?  Ans. Generally, autumn season signifies the harvest season that is associated with abundance and prosperity. 10 May is an ‘autumn day’ in South Africa because on this auspicious day, the installation of South Africa’s first democratic, non-racial government took place in the presence of the largest gathering ever of international leaders on the South African soil.  Q 3. At the beginning of his speech, Mandela mentions “an extraordinary human disaster”. What does he mean by this? What is the “glorious … human achievement” he sp


Q1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?  Ans. Some of the festivals celebrated are Onam, Diwali, Holi, Krishna Janmasthami, Christmas. People across religious lines celebrate festivals like Onam, Holi, Christmas.  Q 2. What do you think, living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?  Ans. We learn different languages from our friends, we enrich our lives by getting to know the different cultural traditions. We learn from the different religious rituals that are observed by our friends and neighbours. Q 3. Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book The Discovery of India?  Ans. It is definitely an appropriate word. Our country has a huge population with people from many different cult


 Q1. 1 In a democracy why is a universal adult franchise important?  Ans. In a democracy, a universal adult franchise is important as it is based on the idea of equality. It states that every adult in a country, irrespective of their wealth and the communities she/he belongs to, has one vote.  Q.2 Re-read the box on Article 15 and state two ways in which the article address inequality?  Ans. Article 15 addresses inequality in terms of discrimination based on religion, race, caste, gender, place of birth etc. It also addresses that the fact that the use of public places such as wells, tanks, bathing Ghats, roads under full or partial government funding are not subject to discrimination based on the criteria’s mentioned above. Q.3 In what ways was Omprakash Valmiki's experience similar to that of the Ansaris?  Ans. Omprakash Valmiki was discriminated on the account of his caste, while the Ansaris were discriminated on account of their religion. The core similarity is that they both w


Collective nouns are words that refer to a collection of people, things, animals, insects etc.   Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for people: ·          A band of musicians ·          A board of directors ·          A choir of singers ·          A class of students ·          A crowd of people ·          A gang of thieves ·          A pack of thieves ·          A panel of experts ·          A team of players ·          A troupe of dancers Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for animals: ·          An army of ants ·          A flock of birds ·          A flock of sheep ·          A herd of deer ·          A hive of bees ·          A litter of puppies ·          A murder of crows ·          A pack of hounds ·          A pack of wolves ·          A school of fish ·          A swarm of locusts ·          A team of horses ·          A pride of lions Here are some examples of common collective noun


1. List one major difference between manuscripts and inscriptions. Ans. Manuscripts – They were written by hand, these were usually written on palm leaves or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas. Inscriptions – These are writings engraved relatively on hard surfaces such as stone or metal. 2. Return to Rasheeda’s question. Can you think of some answers to it? Ans. One can think of 4 different ways a) Inscriptions  b) Manuscripts  c)Tools and weapons  d) Reading the books written in the past. 3. Make a list of all objects that archaeologists may find. Which of these could be made of stone?  Ans. The findings of Archaeologists could be of 9 different types.  1. Buildings made of stone and brick 2. Paintings 3. Sculpture 4. Tools 5. Weapons 6. Pots 7. Pans 8. Ornaments 9. Coins The objects that could be made up of stones are given below 1. Buildings 2. Tools 3. Weapons 4. Ornaments  4. Why do you think ordinary men and women did not gen


 1. Who was considered a “foreigner” in the past?  Ans. According to the medieval period, any stranger who did not belong to a certain society or culture and was not a part of that particular village was regarded as a foreigner. For example, a city dweller, therefore, might have regarded a forest-dweller as a foreigner but if two persons are belonging to the same village they not foreigners in spite of their different religious or caste backgrounds. 2. List some of the technological changes associated with this period.  Ans. Following are some of the technological changes that were associated with this period:  a) The Persian Wheel in irrigation  b) The Spinning Wheel in weaving  c) Firearms in combat 3. What were some of the major religious developments during this period? Ans. Some of the important and major religious developments that took place during this particular period are :  a) Worship of new deities  b) Construction of temples by royalty  c) The growing importance of Brahman